

Post Uit Hessdalen (BE)

Dans un camion : de la magie et des balles rebondissantes.

Stijn Grupping repousse les limites du jonglage en laissant les balles “choisir” leur propre chorégraphie. À travers leurs déplacements, oscillations, accélérations et ralentissements imprévisibles, s'installe un ballet fascinant dans un camion transformé en salle de spectacle.

Magic and bouncing balls in a lorry.

Ballroom is a new juggling performance in which Stijn Grupping pushes the limits of juggling with bouncing balls. After more than 20 years' experience, he reverses the roles, allowing the balls to "choose" their own choreography. Through their unpredictable movements, oscillations, accelerations and slowdowns, he explores a fascinating dance between chance and control. In the intimacy of a lorry transformed into a performance space, a small group of spectators immerse themselves in this ballet of trajectories, magic and balls, set against an immersive soundtrack.



Illustration : ©Geert Goiris

Creation Ine Van Baelen & Stijn Grupping | Performance Stijn Grupping | Direction Ine Van Baelen | Musique Frederik Meulyzer & Jochem Baelus | Scénographie Lodewijk Heylen | Choreographie Kinga Jaczewska | Lumière Lucas Van Haesbroeck | Technique Bert Laurijssens | Design graphique Watson Memić | Outside eye Koen Haagdorens

Coproductions : CIRKL, Theater op de Markt, MiramirO, Perpodium

Soutien : Le gouvernement flamand

Diffusion : Klaartje Brouns (JE BURO)

Remerciements : Frans Heylen, Karolien Derwael, Vincent Company, hetpaleis